About Me...

Hello, my name is James McElroy. I go by the name Pierce within The Brotherhood though. I'm 23 years old and have lived in Monroe County my whole life albeit different parts of it. I got into Parkour/Free Running a couple months back (from this date...12/2/10). I love it. I wish I would have found it sooner. It is a fun way to excersize and it gives you a whole new outlook on the world. The world is my playground. While I am just getting started out, I will get better. The only way to go is up. You can see my improvement in the timeframe of the videos. On a side note, I have begun my own vlog. I only have one video up at the time of this introduction. My YouTube channel is TheDheginsea555. You can also check me out on my training blog at www.myninjatraining.wordpress.com.